In laying out a seed-plot it is necessary that a soil of the
very highest quality should be selected; for it is very often
requisite that a nurse should be provided for the young plants,
who is more ready to hamour them than their parent soil. The
ground should therefore be both dry and nutritious, well
Cato[2] recommends, too, that hurdles should be set up upon
forks, the height of a man, for the purpose of intercepting the
rays of the sun, and that they should be covered with straw
to keep off the cold.[3] He says that it is in this way that the
seeds of the apple and the pear are reared, the pine-nut also,
and the cypress,[4] which is propagated from seed as well. In
this last, the seed is remarkably[5] small, so much so, in fact, as
to be scarcely perceptible. It is a marvellous fact, and one which
ought not to be overlooked, that a tree should be produced
from sources so minute, while the grains of wheat and of
barley are so very much larger, not to mention the bean.
What proportion, too, is there between the apple and the
pear tree, and the seeds from which they take their rise? It
is from such beginnings, too, as these that springs the timber
that is proof against the blows of the hatchet, presses[6] that
weights of enormous size even are unable to bend, masts that
support the sails of ships, and battering-rams that are able to
To resume, however: the tiny balls which contain the seed
are collected from the female cypress—for the male, as I have
already[8] stated, is barren. This is done in the months which
I have previously[9] mentioned, and they are then dried in the
sun, upon which they soon burst, and the seed drops out,
a substance of which the ants are remarkably fond; this fact,
too, only serves to enhance the marvel, when we reflect that
an insect so minute is able to destroy the first germ of a tree
of such gigantic dimensions. The seed is sown in the month
of April, the ground being first levelled with rollers, or else
by means of rammers;[10] after which the seed is thickly sown,
and earth is spread upon it with a sieve, about a thumb deep.
If laid beneath a considerable weight, the seed is unable to
spring up, and is consequently thrown back again into the
earth; for which reason it is often trodden only into the
ground. It is then lightly watered after sunset every three
days, that it may gradually imbibe the moisture until such
time as it appears above ground. The young trees are transplanted at the end of a year, when about three-quarters of a
foot in length, due care being taken to watch for a clear day
with no wind, such being the best suited for the process of
transplanting. It is a singular thing, but still it is a fact, that
if, on the day of transplanting, and only that day, there is the
slightest drop of rain or the least breeze stirring, it is attended
with danger[11] to the young trees; while for the future they
are quite safe from peril, though at the same time they
have a great aversion to all humidity.[12] The jujube-tree[13] is
(11.) As to recommending transferring the young plants from the seed-plot to another spot before finally planting them out, I look upon it as advice that would only lead to so much unnecessary trouble, although it is most confidently urged that by this process the leaves are sure to be considerably larger than they otherwise would.